Solutions to Your Facility’s Specific Storage Tank Needs
Evora Consulting provides site-specific remediation, compliance, assessment and technology services across the Midwest. Our team of engineers and groundwater professionals have been working with our clients to remediate sites for over 20 years, moving them forward by developing and working through comprehensive plans to achieve No Further Action (NFA) status.
Our extensive suite of services provides sites with petroleum storage tanks with solutions from planning and inspections to tank removals and landfarming soil disposal.
Environmental Compliance
Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure
Evora Consulting's team of engineers and professionals work side by side with co-ops, manufacturers, quarries, farmers, bulk fuel facilities, and individuals across the Midwest to prepare SPCC Plans. We are well-versed in the complex SPCC regulations and can assist you to ensure your facility is in compliance.
SPCC applies to a facility that:

In addition to your compliance and assessment needs, Evora has a team of licensed UST installers, removers, supervisors, and inspectors that provide superior customer service and industry expertise to clients with UST/AST equipment maintenance, repairs and sales needs.